Roofing Manufacturers List & Website Directory (Index Page)
By Jack Gray, Roof Online Editor • Updated April 4, 2024

Roofing manufacturers’ websites can be very useful sources of information, but you always have to remember that these websites were written by people who are trying to sell you something.
Browsing through various manufacturer sites and seeing the available products can help you imagine new ways of accomplishing whatever it is that you’re working on.
You can see pictures of the products, both before and after installation, and sometimes pictures taken during installation so you can see how it’s done.
Most contain extensive technical information, including roof specifications, material safety data sheets, and roof construction details. Relevant building code, energy code, and tax rebate information can also be found.
Remember that these sites will typically have a large amount of bias in favor of their own products.
Roofing Manufacturers Indexed by Product Type
What are you looking for? Click on the links below to see manufacturers for the specific type of product you’re interested in.
- Adhesives
- Asphalt (Hot)
- Bird Deterrent Products
- Built-Up Roof Systems
- Caulk
- Clay Tile Roofing
- Coal Tar Pitch Roofing
- Coatings
- Concrete Tile Roofing
- Coping
- Decking
- Drainage Components
- EPDM Roofing
- Equipment Screens/Screen Walls
- Fasteners
- Filter Fabric/Geotextiles